Carbon Sequestration. The process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Through photosynthesis trees and other plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and separate the molecules. They then release oxygen back into the air while storing the carbon molecules.
Community-Based Organizations. Non-profit organizations committed to improving the quality of life in their community.
Continuity of Operations Plan. A plan that outlines how a department or agency will continue to perform minimum essential functions during a wide range of potential emergencies (e.g., localized acts of nature, major accidents, technological emergencies, public health events, security-related incidents).
Cumulative Harm. The negative effects resulting from multiple, combined risk factors, which can include environmental factors, social stressors, or the combination. Cumulative harm also focuses on the cumulative effects on specific populations (e.g., farmworkers exposed to multiple kinds of pesticides) or the residents of specific geographies (e.g., next to toxic Superfund sites, abutting a designated trailer tractor route, in a neighborhood with a high concentration of stores that sell alcohol).
Environmental Stewardship Goals. Goals that the County’s Board of Supervisors adopted in 2009 as part of the regional Bay Area Climate Change Compact.
Green Jobs. Jobs in businesses that produce goods or provide services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources, or jobs in which workers’ duties involve making their establishment’s production processes more environmentally friendly or use fewer natural resources.
Historic Disinvestment. Describes how both public and private sector funding has been unequally and inequitably distributed to benefit neighborhoods that have been exclusively and predominantly white, to the detriment of neighborhoods that have residents who are predominantly people of color. This impacts municipal infrastructure (e.g., conditions of roads, existence or conditions of local parks), utilities (e.g., existence or conditions of drinking water service lines), resources for public schools, and small businesses' ability to obtain loans or lines of credit.
Historically Marginalized Communities. Includes but is not limited to people of color, low income individuals, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ people, and immigrants.
Integrated Pest Management. A decision-making process for managing pests using monitoring to determine pest-caused injury levels and combining biological control, cultural practices, mechanical and physical tools, and chemicals to minimize pesticide usage. The method uses extensive knowledge about pests, such as infestation thresholds, life histories, environmental requirements, and natural enemies to complement and facilitate biological and other natural control of pests. The method uses the least hazardous pesticides only as a last resort for controlling pests.
Intergenerational Trauma. The ways in which trauma experienced in one generation affects the health and well-being of descendants of future generations.
Social Determinants of Health. Factors that shape health challenges and opportunities, and thus health outcomes. Factors include but are not limited to availability of resources to meet daily needs (e.g. safe housing and local food), access to educational and job opportunities, access to health care services, transportation options, public safety, and social support.